Monday, 13 June 2016

Separation of Materialism and State

Although I am very pro-religion in its liberal and non-fundamentalist forms, I do agree that separation of religion and state (i.e. secular government) is the fairest option for ensuring that all are treated equally. If applied consistently it prevents enactment of legislation based upon prejudiced interpretations of religion, ensures that public institutions promote neither religion nor non-religion, and leaves each individual free to believe or not believe without censure or interference from the state. In its proper form, it's designed to protect the rights of everyone. That's why, in the spirit of equality, I also make a call for the separation of materialism and state.

Materialism is a philosophy, a worldview, a set of beliefs about the nature of reality. If one were to be liberal in how they defined "religion", it would be possible to consider materialism as such. Materialism is not an established fact. It's a philosophical premise with both evidence supporting it and evidence refuting it. As a system of belief, materialism should no more affect the law of the land than any religion should.

Materialism is a viewpoint which holds that material reality is all there is and that all spiritual or paranormal experiences are tricks of the mind, delusions or deceptions. To a materialist, a psychic - or anyone who claims an anomalous experience or ability - is either delusional or making it up. It should come as no surprise, then, that there are materialists who hold bigoted attitudes about psychics and occultists - though certainly not all.

Materialists with bigoted views are entitled to them, and entitled to express them - but they don't have the right to manifest their prejudice in ways that impact OUR rights. And I don't think materialists should be permitted to entwine their belief system into government and legislation. That would result in unfair laws curtailing and removing the freedoms of psychics and occultists.

A separation of materialism and state would protect all those who currently make a living from psychic or occult services, or who would like to go professional in the future. Astrologers, sorcerers, mediums, you name it - we have the right to go professional and derive an income. The general public also has the right to take advantage of these services if they wish to.

Agitation to deprive psychics and occultists of the right to make a living from their services is an example of materialists attempting to insert their belief system into politics, and this must be fought as strongly as efforts to combine religious ideology and law. Some people go even further than that and maintain that psychics should not be allowed to give *any* public demonstrations, even when they are free of charge. They are advocating for an infringement on our liberties.

So I suggest a commitment to the separation of materialism and state. This will prevent the signing into law of such hateful and prejudiced ideology and will leave professionals with the freedom to conduct their businesses in peace.

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